A true unsaid love story

मंगलवार, 1 नवंबर 2022

how to speak English quickly

hey,. i know that you are looking for some goods tips about how to learn English quickly . but remember nothing can be learnt without dedication and hard work . i have seen many english gurus saying that they can teach you english in a short time but they all are telling you lie . you go to spoken English institute and they get you written all the tenses and fill your notebook and after that you come to home and you realise that you know nothing . when I started learning English it was not easy for me I did practice alot . and it took me almost year to understand English movies without subtitle after that i started speaking this language . so today I am going to give you some tips that helped me in learnig this language .

1) start from basic atleast learn tenses and modals . it will take some time but remember it will help alot in getting government jobs too. prestigious goverment jobs like ssc ,bank has a great demand of english .
 2) must watch whatever you like in English .there are so many plateforms where we can get english content easily . 
3) if you are student try to buy only english medium books .initially it will be problamatic for you but after that you will get benefit of it.
4)join english whatsup or telegram groups . there are lots of people like us who are very enthusiastic to learn English . on these plateform we can call them and make conversation for long . by doing this we can do our practice. 
5) try that whatever comes into your mind should be in English .prepare your mind for english .
6 ) get someone to talk . you can find them from whatsup or it can be your freinds because who does not want to learn English to speak nowadays . as we all know it has become a symbol of status nowadays .

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